Monday, May 12, 2014

The Comcast Merger-Hijacking the Internet

The war for net neutrality was fought before the Internet even existed. It was not a silent war, but one fought loudly, vocally and in the light of day; though few were able to see. The Internet, in its current state, which now requires broadband access for effective use is primarily in the control of cable television companies in the United States.

As the largest cable television provider in the United States, Comcast recognizes the danger that net neutrality is for their service. In order to protect its interests and declining revenues from cable television Comcast has emerged in a new process to hijack the Internet. The elimination of net neutrality is the hijacking.

The proposed merger between Comcast and Time Warner cable would allow Comcast to control almost 50% of all broadband access in the United States. The effect of Comcast’s potential antitrust violations in this merger are merely a smokescreen to greater effect of Comcast's ability to take control of the Internet by eliminating net neutrality. The elimination of net neutrality is one of the most dangerous actions that can take place. The Federal Communications Commission (FCC) Is working with Comcast to eliminate net neutrality by allowing them to create different levels of service on the broadband system. Do not be fooled by the bait and switch tactics of focusing on antitrust when net neutrality is the big issue.

The National Cable Television Association (NCTA) is the lobbying trade organization for the cable television industry. As cable television's largest company, Comcast is the most influential member of this organization. At this point in time the NCTA is effectively a lobbying subsidiary of Comcast. The blatantly conflicted relationship between Comcast, the FCC and the NCTA would be a poor conspiracy theory except for the fact that it is so easily documented.

The current chairman of the FCC, Tom Wheeler, is a former president of the NCTA. The current president of the NCTA, Michael Powell, is a former chairman of the FCC. The former president of the NCTA, Kyle McSlarrow, who was replaced by Michael Powell is now the president of Comcast/NBC Universal. It would be almost laughable if it was not so dangerous. This almost incestuous relationship is not for the benefit of the general public and cannot ever be.

The Internet has developed quite well without the FCC's interference up until this time. This proposal represents the end of net neutrality and the hijacking of the Internet by a single company. The development of cable television competition was virtually destroyed by the illegal licensing practices at the inception of cable television. The details of these illegal practices are examined in my book "Anatomy Of A Hustle: Cable Comes to South Central LA"

Under this proposal, Comcast would become the gatekeeper of the Internet as well as all video programming in the United States. The supposed protection that the FCC claims it will provide against abuse by cable television companies is clearly hollow.

There is a limited amount of broadband service available. The sale of a substantial portion of that access to large programmers such as Netflix and other large video streaming services can only lead to one inevitable result. Reduced broadband space for the average citizen to utilize. This limitation is a broad form of censorship. The censorship is exercised based upon unspecified criteria that will be determined by the unrestricted broadband operator is what is awaiting us after the merger.

To be forewarned is to be forearmed. Net neutrality must become the most To be forewarned is to be forearmed. Net neutrality must become the most important issue in the midterm elections for the Congress this year. Any politician that opposes net neutrality opposes the best interest of the citizens. This is something that will affect citizens regardless of their political persuasion and override every issue when there is no freedom to speak. We must question politicians that are seeking election regarding their position on net neutrality. Any change to the current circumstances will be the loss of net neutrality regardless of what the FCC says. The FCC wants to give you protection you won't need until they screw you.

(To learn more, visit

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